Electronic Projects

Sensing, Automation, Radio Frequency, and just random curiosities.

RPi Pico Home Automation

This is the current iteration of my residence automation project. It started out as an Arduino-controlled solid-state relay, connected via serial to a computer. Then, it was gradually modified and refactored to become what it is now: a Raspberry Pi Pico W, with an integrated PWM light controller, GPS NTP server, and temperature sensor.

Relevant code is available in my GitHub repository, and this blog post of mine describes how I designed the PWM controller for this specific purpose.

Power Outage Response

Living in a forest has its pros and cons. In November 2022, an eleven-day power outage hit Pearson College. Some of my efforts to help the community:

  • Solar-powered charging stations (as depicted in the image above)
  • Generator connections to wireless APs and Internet equipment
  • Battery-powered lamps for people in need

40m CW Transceiver

This is heavily modified from a 40m CW QRP kit. I added a bunch of voltage regulators, filter networks, and an ATTiny85-based automatic keyer. Much more useful now.